Parents: does your child's principal understand ASD? School administrators: do you understand your students with ASD? This can help! School administrators play a key role in creating a mind-set of acceptance of learners with special needs and their families within their school district, region, or school. In many instances, a school administrator guides decisions regarding how teachers address behavioral challenges. The purpose of Special Considerations for Students with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for School Administrators is to provide school administrators with useful and practical suggestions and strategies that can increase student achievement, engagement, positive behavior, and social skills for high-functioning students on the spectrum (HF-ASD), help reduce educator stress and frustration, and increase positive interactions between families and school personnel so that the school day is more successful for all parties.
“A clear and insightful description and guide to a highly complex condition. This book should be required for all classroom teachers in both typical and special needs schools and special education personnel.” - Susan Moreno, MA, ABS
“Finally ... a book that helps me understand how my school can best support students with ASD. This book has changed our school culture in a very positive way.” - Robert M. Wright, principal, The Basilica School of Saint Mary Star of the Sea
“I'm a parent of a twice exceptional child with HF-ASD. I find myself explaining to teachers every year that my son's very high IQ and exceptional communication skills mask his disability. I can tell you I have not read truer words than these: 'To some extent, this disability is HIDDEN in that the strengths of this group of students often mask areas in which they have true deficits.' An excellent guide not just for educators, but for parents of children with HF-ASD. Have your highlighter at the ready! Lots of good useful information here.” - Monica H.