Excelling with Autism: Obtaining Critical Mass Using Deliberate Practice introduces a new way to optimize the progress of learners with ASD. Reaching critical mass helps learners apply information in new ways spontaneous generalization. This book is about doing things differently to positively impact individuals on the spectrum by supporting the development of critical mass in areas that are necessary for successful functioning in home, work, and community using the research-based elements of deliberate practice. In this book, the four elements of deliberate practice -- developing specific goals, ensuring focus, moving out of the comfort zone, and communicating outcomes -- are applied to teaching social, communication, and daily living skills. Critical mass and the related science of deliberate practice will change the life course of individuals with ASD. Incorporating the elements of deliberate practice is a critical step toward helping individuals with ASD to reach their unlimited potential.
“As an autistic I marveled at the parallels between my experienced life and this text. As an educational autism consultant I've implemented deliberate practice to ensure the learning context is infused with the predictability, sameness, and routine necessary for and compatible with autistic learning style. It works. EXCELLING WITH AUTISM explains why. As a mental health therapist I find the number one expressed wish of autistic clients is help in making friends and thus having a more satisfying life. EXCELLING WITH AUTISM explains how. Indeed, EXCELLING WITH AUTISM is nothing short of a brilliant practicality engineered to readily accomplish meaningful life outcomes across the lifespan. As autistics and in the field of autism we have turned the page into the future.” - Judy Endow, LCSW
“Many of the skills needed to lead a successful life are not acquired spontaneously by learned with autism. That is why they are, more than their non-autistic peers, very dependent on teachers and mentors who know how to explicitly teach those skills. To excel with autism requires excelling teachers. This book offers teachers the ingredients for excellent and autism-friendly teaching. Unlike many other books on educational strategies for learners with autism, this book does not offer ready-made recipes of strategies. Just as you do not become a good cook because you can follow recipes from top chefs, you do not become a good teacher of learners with autism by following strategies. What distinguishes excellent and autism friendly teachers is that they know why a certain teaching strategy is a good strategy for learners with autism. This book offers exactly that knowledge and it is therefore indispensable in the library of every setting that has learners with autism.” - Peter Vermeulen, PhD, co-director, Autisme Centraal, international speaker, and thought leader